

Hi there. I'm a thing. I consider this an achievement.

フォロー数:1147 フォロワー数:660

Hell no. This was their previous game.

That doesn't look any worse than FighterZ (and the animation was even better).

Something terrible happened to them.

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I don't know what the fuck happened to CC2 but yikes.

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I don't think this looked bad and I liked that it wasn't 1:1 with SSJ.

Auras are better since it's using better CGI and ideas (outside of the awful green puke of Broly).

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Euron dans les livres c'est un Pirate qui a réussi à visiter Valyria et à en revenir, il a du coup des artifacts maléfiques etc...

Il est décrit comme classe et séduisant mais avec un eye patch et des cicatrices.

Quand on a vu l'Euron dans la série on a vu flou.

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No he isnt.

He is an abomination. And he is also not gonna be in fighterz.

Original is way better.

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I drew this for you. Hopefully Piccolo helps !

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Doodled this for my friend

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