Justin Colónさんのプロフィール画像

Justin Colónさんのイラストまとめ

Children's author of the forthcoming picture books The Quacken, Impossible Possums, Impossible Possum for Mayor, The Zombees & Vampurr

フォロー数:910 フォロワー数:14656

I'd like to throw out an alternative to this great question? from :

Are you creating in another way? Could be anything ... cooking, baking, knitting, painting, anything. What's that been like? (There's no pressure at all to be creating).

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How can we (#PBChat) help encourage kids to create, invent, write, and draw during this time of social distancing and distance learning?"

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"What books have you been reading lately? Or what book-ish things online have you been into?"

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I know it's hard for many to share good news & accomplishments during times like these. Please don't feel guilty. We want to root you on & give you the props you deserve. Some of us could use it! No news is too small, & it doesn't have to be publishing/writing-related

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Comment below with three statements about yourself. Two must be true statements, and one must be false. At the end of the night (or right before you leave) be comment wit'truth'. Until then, let us have fun guessing : )

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l be tweeting questions as prompts for discussion. But PLEASE tweet your own questions as well. There were some great [specific] ones that I'm sure others have as well and would love answers to as well . . .

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Hello my family! How are YOU feeling and holding up?

*Only share what you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

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One hour until our impromptu

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Our 2nd to last question of the night for . . . .

"Do you have any stories with twists, turns, surprise endings related to your 2020 release?"

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