Justin Colónさんのプロフィール画像

Justin Colónさんのイラストまとめ

Children's author of the forthcoming picture books The Quacken, Impossible Possums, Impossible Possum for Mayor, The Zombees & Vampurr

フォロー数:910 フォロワー数:14656
# pbchat


"Who advised/shaped your strategy for publicity? Agents? Debut group?"

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Another great question brought to you by

"What are some tips for planning successful book launch events, and how many events should you plan in your debut year?"

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Up next for is a question from

"What steps transpired from the time of acquisition from the publishing company until print? How much promotion was expected from your end until print?"

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Our 2nd question of the night for is brought to you by .

"How soon after signing your book contract did you start publicizing the book?

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The road to publication is hard... Why did you choose traditional or self publishing, and how did it help you grow as a writer?

And added question: "What benefits do you think PAL publishers have vs. self publishing?"

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Any news, success, and or stories you'd like to share with us? Go ahead!

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I'm going to add to this icebreaker. Mwahaha. If you got onto the show and could collaborate with a fellow singer (whether it be a duet, mentorship, etc), who would you choose?

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Please be sure to give tonight's guests a follow via Twitter, especially if you're entering their giveaways.

Now, let's introduce our amazing lineup of guests participating in tonight's ....

::drum roll::

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If you haven't already, please consider donating to Funds go directly toward graphics, giveaways, web programming, etc. - all things that make nights like tonight possible. I take no cut.

Donate Here: https://t.co/OywGm91wLp

Plx rt

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To all PBChat participants, please remember to use the hashtag, in your tweets tonight.

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