

🏹Good morning Captainn, good morning shinee♠️

🏹The biggest "fan" of Kevin Khatch on X🏹

Icon: @MrMonsteretto



フォロー数:2065 フォロワー数:359

Heyy here's my Brad Huff designnn X)

Can't believe he never got a face reveall

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Hello Zero Day fandomm X"DD

Can't believe this hasn't been done yett X"DD

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Estoy buscando dos actores de voz que puedan voz estos dos personajes (porque el que originalmente los voz resulto ser una mala persona y la eche de mi equipo) en mi serie webb

16+ porfaa

Si desea enviarme una audicionn, envieme un mensaje y repasare todos los detalless X">

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I'm proud to announce that my novell, The Definition Of Malevolence, is finally finishedd!

You can buy it heree!: https://t.co/yQlSuUEPNP

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Guess I'll do the thingg

Hellooo, you can call me Ace or Kevinn, I've got an animated web series on Youtube aaand I've made some video games on RPG Makerr!

Dni: Nsfww, nftss, aii X">

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Helloooo! Call me Ace or Kevinn, I have a web show with my OCs aand that's what I mainly draww X)

I've also made some video gamess XD

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Alien adoptss!

Fun factt: These guys were my first OCs actuallyy, I made them when I was likee, 7 years oldd X"DD

You can offer irl currencyy (SB: 5$, AB: 25$)
Or Artt (Max is 3, the deadline ends in a monthh!)

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Cassandra looks like thatt (Left is Pico's School, right is FNFHS...I like FNFHS betterr, I'm sorryyy XDD)

I guess it was in her dialogue? I dunnoo, I've never heard of the original character being a Nazi thoughh, how strangee

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Feliz 6 ano aniversario, FHS!

Ten un redibujado de un dibujo que hice el ano pasadoooo!

El primero es de 2022, el segundo es de 2021, el dibujo original es de ! X)

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I draw furry stuff too you know-

I also have a web series as well go check that outt

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