Ƙ ɌØßЄƦŤ ƉØИØVΛИさんのプロフィール画像

Ƙ ɌØßЄƦŤ ƉØИØVΛИさんのイラストまとめ

Writer of YA & Epic #fantasy. Finishing on my third book.
Proud husband, father, grandfather.
Weakness for chocolate chip cookies with walnuts/pecans.

フォロー数:14313 フォロワー数:14813

I am Robert Jordan's "Eye of the World" and Barbara Baig's "Spellbinding Sentences."

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D12 The last scene you worked on: where did it take place?

❇️On a ship in storm-tossed seas, trying to outrun marauders.

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There's been loss of loved ones, discovery of powers she never knew existed, and a stretching of her capacity beyond anything imagined. Also her goals changed completely from wanting to leave home and family to now rescue them and bring them back home.

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D19 Number wise, how has your cast of characters grown?

✳️I added a love interest where one did not exist before (my daughter's suggestion). And I expanded the my antagonists by a few.
Artist: Kilart

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I finished draft3 self-edit of my YA Fantasy and just sent it out for Beta-read.


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D7 - What secondary character have you introduced who has become more important than planned?

❇️In my Epic Fantasy, my antagonist's sister grew into a far more important role, rivaling the MC for page time in the second half of the story.
Artist: I Laliashvili

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D23 - What's easier for you, dialogue or description?

✳️I think they both come pretty naturally for me, but I get a lot of compliments on my world building and descriptions.

Artist: Winterkeep

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D10 - What book characters would you MC get along with?

❇️Merida and ❇️Elizabeth Bennet

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D27 - How did you do this month? What helped & what didn't?

❇️I rediscovered my mojo. I found that by immersing myself into my character(s) I saw & experienced things through their eyes and the creativity began to flow again. 😃

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