

Training Arc.

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:18338

This is our discord chat LMAO We tried to seal each other...

14 164

Shout Out to for beating my ass until I found a very good Kage League team! 👑He's a beast.

1 48

Kisame: Yo Itachi we gotta go. Put the blunt down g

Itachi: You ever fucking killed your parents bro?

92 622

Yo you unreal at Dragon Ball Legends. I'm learning and stealing all your tech lmao.

4 192

My daily discounted single! HOLY!!!

1 52

Have a good day, sir.

0 21

With hate in your heart you could never be Rank Of One like me.

0 60

Had the best sleep of my life.

3 115

I really wanna eat some food but I'ma have to hold this cheater at bay! He ain't taking rank 1 from me again!

3 87