

The Lover and Hater, Coward and Fighter. The Somebody and Nobody. The World Observer and Life Taster. The Story-Teller. The only Mother of my baby V! Just me.

フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:435

For my favorite lioness Kamunyak, may you rise up like the sun and watch over your kind...

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My lil HAL021(OC) got hit again... Don't worry, you are bad at aim target but you are good at any other thing like.... cooking!

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One "small" commission... (plz dont use it)

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Who used to be the worst nightmare for new adventurers in Elwynn Forest?

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Ah Behemoth.... Thank you for your many comets that saved my ass (I'd like to use the FF14 jump but fail to find it every time I hesitate :'D )

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