

Full-Stack Developer + Art Hobbyist (banner by photonoko)
Creator of ocbin.com
Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/10898…
Patreon: patreon.com/kameloh

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:27546

A small painting of my oldest and favorite OC! It's weird thinking that I've had her for more than 15 years... I've probably drawn her at least a thousand times!

More art of her on my gallery https://t.co/MUE4vCF1AM 🤗

29 312

Sketch -> Colors -> Painting

12 193



(9) Quick drawing and color practice -- heavily referenced a pic pho was working on (original idea/designs not mine)

86 700

(7) She likes cuddling with her fluffy tail...

46 517

Happy Valentine's Day! 💕

119 938

A quick painting test -- finally installed SAI 2 for the first time 👀💦

108 893

Dragon monk and friend -- more practice with CSP!

60 450

Stella, for Unsteddy! Happy Birthday!!

21 243

I had the most fun detailing Sierra's jewelry and leggings. Here are some close shots 🔭👀

5 105