

Full-Stack Developer + Art Hobbyist (banner by photonoko)
Creator of ocbin.com
Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/10898…
Patreon: patreon.com/kameloh

フォロー数:25 フォロワー数:27546

(35) Character idea for a tarot reading dragon. She'll give you unsolicited readings and warn you about cats.

Possibly a new character for a future project

13 209

Sketch -> Colors -> Painting

6 114

She's really excited to see you~

128 907

(33) Their relationship blossoms after the knight saves the dragon from an evil princess... 🐲

128 886

Quick painting -- playing around with lighting 🐲

48 441

For -- your character is really cute!🤗

449 3075

(25) Small painting practice

50 602

(23) Fluffy dragon

59 579