

Rust life, twitch streamer, writer, Chats with Kat (Voice of Adoptees) Podcast Producer and Host… mmm oh and … a kat on a journey ~meow~

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How do you write with jazz playing on the background. Its too easy to get distracted by foot tapping!!!

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this moment: Perfection.

(tweet 3/3)

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OH MY GOD ARIES SO TRUE! I have about 4 WIP that I just couldn’t finish all because of a new idea for another WIP.

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Challenge accepted!!! Time to bring out my inner serial killer...

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I write fan fiction and romance for books and developmental help blogs. I also have a podcast!!

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One day I’ll get here too!!! Congrats!!! I’m excited for you!!

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I have full on conversations with my characters. Like they are a part of my daily life now..... does that make me crazy??????

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I think it's time I dust off my Harry Potter Fan Fiction from somewhere I know not.

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If I see poems, I will write my own poem to respond to yours. Anyone else?

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