

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:121

Okay she quickly jump in my list as one of my favorite Nikkes~<3

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After over a year from my last 2k badge finally another one!! With crypto as well starting to feel somewhat comfortable with the longbow. I'm still horrible at the game.

0 4

When i saw the silhouette of towa twin tail outfit what came too mind right away for what the outfit could be.

3 20

Well still learning to draw but wanted to try drawing Mint Fantome. She's an adorable ghost maid.

7 48

Manage to draw this thanks to lessons. I still need to learn more but it's fun.

10 39

Maybe I should have tried harder on the clothes...

7 61

Drawing is hard but I really want to get better at drawing Towa-sama.

8 46

been waiting for him since cain came glad it only took 40 rolls to get him!!

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