

Mostly here to keep up with and retweet ridiculousness. 2020 host & 2021-22 PR for the r/anime awards.

フォロー数:731 フォロワー数:83

For my own we've got:

- First (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Most formative (Fruits Basket)
- First shoujo manga I bought with my own money (NG Life)
- Got me back into reading more shoujo (Please Save My Earth)
- Longest-running series I own (AkaYona)

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That being said, you'll know pretty quick if it's for you or not. Plus it's just a really pretty series (gorgeous backgrounds)!

Would've received extra brownie points if we had more closure with certain characters & storylines towards the end. (2/2)

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Spy x Family - I really don't have too much to say here, it's just such an adorably funny show that doesn't so much pull on your heartstrings as much as tickle them.

And according to ppl I know who read the manga, it's being given the love needed to elevate it!

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It's Josei, but let's go with Blank Canvas: My So-Called Artist's Journey!

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The new Kaguya-sama ED has no right to be as cute as it is while also being a massive Starship Troopers reference

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Not even counting Rumiko Takahashi's overwhelming legacy and probably missing a couple obvious choices

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The editor for Akatsuki no Yona is brutal, this is 33 whole volumes in 😂

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Had to cut a bunch of great shows and discount films & shorts entirely to narrow it down. Tons of good stuff this year, so you're bound to find something you'll enjoy!


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Star Wars Visions definitely felt like a mixed bag overall, but still found quite a bit to love (The Village Bride, T0-B1, and Lop & Ocho were probably my favorites).

Honestly, "The Elder" was really the only one I was outright bored to tears watching.

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Since I'm pretty sure the last movie I saw in theaters pre-lockdown was Heroes Rising, its only fitting that my first visit back in well over a year was to see Josee, the Tiger & the Fish 🧜‍♀️🐯🐠

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