Kelly Mangan (She/Her) 🏳️‍🌈さんのプロフィール画像

Kelly Mangan (She/Her) 🏳️‍🌈さんのイラストまとめ

CHEER UP, MAEVE MULVANEY (2025, Holiday House). LIKE THAT ELEANOR (2025, Cardinal Rule Press).
Rep: @tajmccoywrites
CARA: @KellyMangan
Blue Sky: @KellyAMangan

フォロー数:8560 フォロワー数:8651

Happy day!
I'm an author/illustrator seeking:
-- Representation (for words + art)
-- Board & picture book projects
-- MG and YA cover work

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I officially have 7 pages of my PB dummy down, including 2 full-color spreads. There is much work to be done still. And much editing after that. But I am so, so happy to be bringing this story to life.

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My offering for this week's (prompt colors &

I'm also combining this with my critique group's illustration prompt, which was "Space Raccoon." 🦝🚀

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Hello I’m a author/illustrator seeking:
- Representation (for my words + pictures)
- Board & picture book projects
- MG & YA cover work

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A quick offering for this week's (prompt colors & manatee friend!

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Working on this mock MG fantasy cover. Thoughts? Suggestions?

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My 8yo says “crap!” when he gets frustrated. My 5yo— trying to copy him— has started saying “Aw, crabs!”

And I will NEVER ever correct him. 😂 🦀

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Hi Mallory! Wanted to introduce myself. I’m Kelly. I’m a fat, queer, neurodiverse author/illustrator. I love rustic, loose linework combined with painterly color work. Interested in projects from picture books to MG & YA covers.

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