

famed japanese-to-english translator vgperson 'vghime' vgperson

フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:20635 i wrote a new original story in my Ut0p1a series, called Right to Code! it's about a rabbit girl who gets a special opportunity. i'd highly suggest reading the first two stories first! (though if you haven't, you'll still probably get the gist)

11 64 soon, at long last, i'm going to post a new entry in my Ut0p1a series of stories, about animal people in a glitchy world! the original two are pretty old at this point, but i touched them up a bit and added illustrations - (re-)read them to prepare!

7 48 i wrote a new original story called From the Sidelines, about the chronicling of a conflict in a fantasy world! it's a long one... but with good reason!

22 179

happy sixth anniversary to my rpg horror game Libretta! ...but who are these strangely familiar creatures??

11 159

(vague, minor spoilers for spare parts episode 2)

9 85

(gets an idea after posting) meanwhile, in my spare parts creepypasta,

1 31

here comes a special girl!!! (spare parts fanart - go play both episodes now!

10 107 Your Turn To Die: Chapter 3, Part One (Section B) has been translated! use Chapters to start from Section B if you lost your save! beware of slow loading in browser due to heavy traffic! (standalone link:

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(background traced from redjuice's original art for ryo (supercell)'s world is mine. play petal crash)

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