

famed japanese-to-english translator vgperson 'vghime' vgperson

フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:19989 happy first anniversary, All To Get Her! (it's also 50% off for a... week?)

14 39

it's april already, so here's a super-early development screenshot of a game i'm working on! haha, just kidding, here's the real one. haha, just kidding, here's the... real one.......

5 39 new translation: blue star entertainment (IZ)'s rpg maker 2000 adventure game, Witch's Heart! it's fairly gory, so be sure to read the warnings

162 386

happy second anniversary, libretta! you and your tiny sprites are all grown up now

13 62 new translation: 1BeatHeart, a spinoff sequel to miwashiba's 1bitHeart! (it's recommended to play 1bit first)

147 162

this is All To Get Her, a new game i'm making. it's NOT the game i've alluded to before, but it's coming together very well, and quickly!

0 22

thinking about how nobody reads readmes led to me adding an in-game guide to combo cutie, which i like how it turned out. So Anyway,

0 18

fayre wishes everyone love in the new year! maybe it'll be a good year for her, too...?

0 29

happy first anniversary to libretta!

12 36

"what're you dressing up as this year? ...oh, me too!"

0 25