

28-🇮🇹 Multistyled artist - oc artist

フォロー数:429 フォロワー数:227

Not back but some little sparks of interest in drawing again YGO are appearing.. made this for Makos birthday (feb 7th) only the coloring tho, the sketch and the lineart are from January.

7 29

The last month i painted this little fanart of my favourite senshi!
It is not the best, but i really like it😊

6 12

Anyway... Naomi Toyhouse age is up!
It is not detailed as Makos or finished but you can have a little more informations about my crazy cat lady!

3 13

Today is baby Mio birthday! I am super happy i was able to draw something for her😭 She is a such a cinnamon roll❤️💗💗💗
Last post of 2020. Yeah I couldn’t finish the animatic 😭

4 20

Lol it is actually the 26th over here… Dammit.
Merry Christmas guys! This year has been surprising... in a very bad way, but i hope that you got to spend a serene day and that you are all taking care of yourself, you all deserve it!
I will catch up in the morning… it’s late 😅

5 27

Yesterday sketch✨ I am practising my skin coloring and my style.
So have my lemon kitty duelist 🍋

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