

24 I'm an artist I swear. MCYT mainly now

Taking a break, I'm still drawing just ssssslow

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Finally some fullbody art. Even if it's simple

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The worst part of this is doing the drawing and noticing all the errors afterwards. Also I have no idea what a style is, but who knows? Maybe I just need to keep practicing

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So, I've been drawing every single day for 100 days and I still haven't uploaded anything yet so, new goal during August: Upload one drawing per day, no matter the state of it. I managed to do one today, lets see if I can do it!

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I did my first hybrid dragon, and also my first lights and shadows with a clear light source! Quite proud of this one

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So...today I barely had time, so I put a time limit and just drew whatever I wanted for 30 minutes and called it a day.

I somehow managed to make my favourite drawing so far. I don't know if I should be happy or sad (?).

Probably should start using tags but I don't know how

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Day 6 of drawing every day, I did another long drawing that took me two days (roughly 7 hours of work). I didn't even do lights and shadows this time. Guess I'll have to keep practising to make it quicker. Did the lineart yesterday, finished it and gave it colour today

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I tried different styles, got some dekus and an Ivan (which took me two days haha)

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