

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:210

I.. couldn't help myself X)

5 19

The whole Goemon gang. But would LOVE to have Sparkster (Rocket Knight) and Kid Dracula.

3 13

OK.. I dare you.

0 3

Hey, Konami. Where are those two!!?

1 6

How did I miss this tweet? 😭
It's Wai Wai World/ワイワイワールド. An All Stars game by Konami. Come on Sakurai, put Goemon fully in already, he's missing his iconic face. ゴエモンが欲しい。

0 1

I still say..
Eyebrows is infront/above (上/
前に) of his hair

0 3

Ebisumaru needs you too, Ogata-san.

0 2

Is this deliberate hate?
Or the upcoming movie poster?
In either cases.. sigh

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