

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:215

Some recent artworks..
Of my favorite Konami series and character.
Mystical Ninja and Ganbare Goemon
(Decided to consolidate)

4 15

You're missing a lot by not having him

0 1

Still want him in.. playable

0 0

Is there's even anything that compares?
Rush's an all-in-one package, literally.

0 3

It comes with it, and he needed the funds.

0 1

Who wants to buy ads.?
But if you must, at least include the original one..

0 4

This is a hint, right?
Come on already, Smash is only missing the Goemon gang.

0 2

Who would've thought?

0 3

What kind of mess is that?

9 41