

🐸🌈 🌸 I make art of varying mediums 🌸 🌈 || They/them || 21+ || Tired is just my default at this point

フォロー数:1900 フォロワー数:181

Names kip, and m a pan artist who draws things occasionally, mostly OCs and rpg characters i never get to use lmao

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Heyo, m Kip and i draw sometimes flsndbdj

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,,, As an update, I dont hate this as much as i thought i did lmao

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as an update: I inked it n shit. I kinda hate how it turned out, n i probably wont finish the background, but atleast have the colored Kip version

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My lock screen is a pic of my s/o and idk if they want their face online hhhhhh

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i guess my moodboard is nonbinary fury?

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names Kip, I doodle alot of OCs, and sometimes throw in some fanart lmao

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looks like its just a ophthalmologist sign plastered onto a clock

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Hey ho hi, im kip and I do art occasionally

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