

Creator of the game idea Knights Of Tarot, an enthusiast for character/background art, Masters Graduate. All work here (besides fanart and Retweets's) by me!

フォロー数:561 フォロワー数:357

Part 2 of the core Chess family.

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For a small scale University project, I created a concept called Chesspionage, a tactical version of Chess, but the pieces were designed with a dash of human traits.

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The Metal King Slime, when they decide to stay put and let my party reap the XP!

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Since Succubus is apparently trending I might as well share the characters that just so happen to fill the criteria, Aphara and Truant, the servants of Lord Nill.

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And here's is a Manticore version of my metal drummer, Proggs Striker! A huge dude-bro who likes playing with the boys (his band), he plays his drums with the strength and heart of a lion!
I haven't drawn many animals like this before but it was fun!

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Oh yeah, I forgot that I drew Emma as a plague doctor. Don't worry, she'll protect us all from what may ail you.

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One of the canon enemies that will appear in Knights Of Tarot:

The Disturbance: "Powerful and prone to fleeing, these inverted cards were remnants of the Darkana powers of old, too chaotic for a place among Nill's ranks. (1/2)

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Vidalia Rute is a woodcarver elf who travels in a caravan, selling her wares around the world. She makes sure to keep in touch with her sister Lum via mail. Her design was inspired by the intrigue and mystique of gypsies and what their caravan holds inside.

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Connie Morris had an interesting design process, as she was based on an imaginary friend I created when I was around 2. Now as a fully realised character, she was an expert hacker part of a political rebellion, after getting caught, was offered a security job for her skills.

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