

Any pronouns • brinco de poeta de vez em quando • cansada, carente e com sono ;b

フォロー数:933 フォロワー数:409

"Got some monster problems, PB?"


the Fern and Jermaine tattoos are idea ;)

4 18

so my gf is editing at screencaps for me to use as christmas pfp and LOOK THIS CUTE MARCELINE IM GONNA CRY SHES SO PRECIOUS

0 21

im really sorry about it, i know how it sucks :(
here its rebel rockstar marcy and happy pb to calm you down a little plus finn and bubbline dancing

also, try to control your breath ok? and think about thinks that make you happy, youre going to be ok ily

0 1

to think that minutes ago she literally did this

man pb loves marcy so much she literally kicks king of ooo's ass without letting go of her girl

i love a thug gum

2 9

ok but real talk now, when i saw finn at obsidian i almost started sobbing like a baby
like, he's all grown up and this is so crazy, i was only 10 when i first saw him and he was like, 13 at the show, now im almost 18 and hes at hes 20s and wow..
it feels so good, im proud of him

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oh, before i forget, I'd like to point that this moment was so hurtfull for bonnie that just to hear the mention of the "glass kingdom" and before hearing the song she seems to be already sad and uncomfortable
and so does marcy

1 51

oh and this? this broke my heart (and i didnt even knew the context)
the thing that gets me everytime i see this scene is... well, its pb
come on, she's the queen of repressing
she doesn't sleep, she doesnt to the things she wants, she shuts herself (i mean, she said it herself!)

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