

Any pronouns • brinco de poeta de vez em quando • cansada, carente e com sono ;b

フォロー数:933 フォロワー数:409

omg yes yes yes!!
like, I didn't even knew how or why, but I got so emotional over the fact that it was marcy the one to actually broke up with bonnie
also bonnie's reaction felt so powerfull to me, i have never seen pb so heartbroken
i mean look at her
she seems so and fragile

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so... I redrew Bonnie from the Obsidian trailer and I really like how it end up and im kinda of proud of myself lol

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I got Adventure Time!

Reply and I'll give you a show to qrt your 4 favorites from

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diga quem são seus comfort characters e deixe seus seguidores advinharem quais seus traumas


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post 4 fictional characters that mean the world to you

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bom dia genteee como vcs estao???

to quase terminando de colorir a catra :')

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ok por hj é so pq eu to morrendo de sono KAKSKSKSKSKKSSK boa noite gente ;3

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