

ARPGs, Granblue Fantasy, & TCGs | Creating content for Gundam Card Game, Union Arena, and other TCGs |
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フォロー数:594 フォロワー数:5360

-Worldbreaker Trundle L1
-Worldbreaker Trundle L2
-Ice Pillar

New level up animation for the champion

0 7

Yes I did Reddit Recap, yes I did.

I was lowkey depressed my reddit recap wasn't working when everyone else was sharing them in the discord but happy to see all the love LOR has given me over the last year. Really needed some good vibes today

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New art only
-Winter Queen Ahri
-Earnest Elf Tristana

For Earnest Elf players must purchase at least one Coin Package between Dec 8th - Jan 5th 2022

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"Works like a charm."

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Me every time someone tries to call LOR a dead game 😂

Poppy and Young Witch nerfs, new cosmetics up:

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-Sai'nen Thousand-Tailed

"The forest offers its secrets freely... but few bear the courage to ask questions of it."

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"Chaos gives claws to the meek. A wolf hounds its prey and is stalled by a felled branch. A hawk dives and tumbles amidst a sudden gale. We are the branch. We are the wind."

0 7

Full Art 🧵

-Ahri L1

"She searched for herself in other peoples' secrets. Saw herself through the eyes of so many. As she approached the forest, she wondered if it would be just another lens--or if, just this once, she'd found a mirror."

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-Liminal Guardian

"My best quality? I sleep like a rock."

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