

An artist playing around with her iPad and Apple Pencil and seeing what she can create. Currently obsessed with Voltron: The Legendary Defender and Plance Arts

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Playing around with some older designs, going for a touch more feminine

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According to tumblr, the second pic is my best one... and I cringe as there are so many mistakes. So, I remade my “best” art

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Ok, so I love fashion! It’s so useful for clothing practice! So I drew a little coffee date and added a to the mix

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Backgrounds are something I’m always needing to work on... so here’s a more urban setting with a little in the corner, cuz what are we... animals???

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Who else was curious what Lance would do if Pidge was actually tortured??? Just me...

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So I followed a tutorial on YouTube from the artist Jyundee, only in my style with what do y’all think????

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Drawing in an undersuit with fun colors and lighting effects at 1 am, pretty good for a tired girl

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