not happeningさんのプロフィール画像

not happeningさんのイラストまとめ

stuck in your head like a chumbawumba song

フォロー数:69 フォロワー数:195

Totally fair for Waid to go into this book knowing Neal Adams was drawing it and start with a splash of one of the best FF villains followed by a big spread. These are so gorgeous.

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first appearance of Alyssa Moy, who I always liked as a part of Millar's run before she gets killed off (sort of, mostly) in Hickman's

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Alan Davis drawing the hotties

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Tintin cameo and some inspired disguises for Reed and Sue - I imagine Sue making hair invisible would make some rather effective disguises, and also a good prank to play on Johnny

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I'm torn over whether or not they should have added the word "cake" to Ben's apron here

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I wonder if Sue calls him "Professor Richards" in any other situations...

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great covers too, including one by Mike Wieringo which is a never-miss with me of course

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great pinups in every issue of WildCATs Adventures

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AFAIK "WildC.A.Ts Ground Zero" does not exist

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we've all seen a lot of bad female armor but i feel like the two different kinds of boob armor in this one makes it deserving of some kind of award

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