not happeningさんのプロフィール画像

not happeningさんのイラストまとめ

stuck in your head like a chumbawumba song

フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:191

Rick transforms into CM and helps the couple and baby to a shelter, and then when CM transforms back to Rick, he is magically returned to his proper age - a reward for a good deed.
Taken in an X-Mas context, it's very feel good, even though it lacks overt X-Mas imagery.

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It was one of Marvel's "silent" 'Nuff Said issues.
Rick has been rapidly aged to an old man, with seemingly no cure, and a kid with a knife stole one of his Nega Bands, so now he can't even transform into Captain Marvel. He tries to end it all with the knife the kid dropped, but-

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In the end, Nate repays Peter's kindness by giving him the gift of peace-of-mind.
Aunt May was presumed dead at the time, which is one retcon I've never liked. Her death was poignant and meaningful, her return was not.

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The main plot has Peter assigned to take pics of "fortune teller" Nate Grey. They hit it off really well, bonding over shared tragedies (illuminated by Nate's telepathic powers). This was my introduction to Nate as a character. Wish he had stuck around as a friend for Pete.

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And you know just how bad this Black Tarantula guy is because he hates Christmas. No better way to establish evilness.

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Peter is super relatable in this story, stressing about money over the holidays and also wanting to be there for MJ after they just lost a baby.

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My Day 6 read is Superman :)

I think the concept for this cover is great, but that it's too close-up, and would look better if the "camera" pulled back a little

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The more Christmasy plot is definitely Joseph and Rogue's carriage ride and Christmas gift. The fact he kisses her on the forehead makes it even sweeter. As this was one of my early issues, I have a soft spot for Joseph/Rogue and Magneto/Rogue more than Gambit/Rogue.

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2) I love the way Liam Sharp draws women.
3) Tangentially related - I wish DC still did story/series/artist specific action figure waves. I'd love Hal as both GL and Parallax, Belzebeth, and Star Sapphire of Earth-11, among others.

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Gravity had/has so much potential. I must have written a dozen pitches and ideas down for him back in the day when I had time to write.
Shutter isn't the easiest read, but I enjoyed it a lot. There's nothing else like it.
I'd rec Joyride first though. Love this line from it.

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