Hargovind Sachdevさんのプロフィール画像

Hargovind Sachdevさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter friendship is like a Bank Account: You can not draw more from it than you deposit... Let us increase Twitter friends...

フォロー数:79854 フォロワー数:91606

To be contented does not mean, you don't desire more..
It means, you are happy with what you have..

17 33

Each moment is a place...
Where you have never been...

15 45

Don't let yesterday...
Take away too much of today...

24 38

Little girls with dreams...
Grow up to become women with vision...

16 50

You don't have to control your thoughts...
You have to stop your thoughts from controlling you...

17 37

Not till we are fully lost...
do we begin to find ourselves...

18 50

Always listen to your heart...
It may be on left, but it is always right...

20 53

Love is an answer, no body can question...
Parting is a question, no body can answer...

13 40

After lunch, rest a while...
After dinner, walk a mile...

13 34

Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness...
We will have courage to see the inner light...

17 32