Hargovind Sachdevさんのプロフィール画像

Hargovind Sachdevさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter friendship is like a Bank Account: You can not draw more from it than you deposit... Let us increase Twitter friends...

フォロー数:81027 フォロワー数:92576

No body ever wrote your plan to be dull, lazy & loser...
These things happen when you do not have a plan...

14 36

Love is not just finding a true partner...
Love is being a true partner...

29 49

While fishing for love,
Use your heart not your mind...

31 48

Do good till you learn to do better...
And once you learn to do better, go for the best...

22 53

A small dot can stop a long sentence...
But a few dots can ensure continuity...

26 61

It is not the size of house...
But the happiness of a home that matters...

50 64

Human life is like reading a book...
The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense...

45 64

Forget the days troubles...
Remember the days blessings...
Sleep time, Good Night...

32 53

What a mother writes on the blackboard of life...
Can never be erased...

30 71

Actions speak louder than words...
Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children...

48 76