

i really like the PFX Vocaloids / YOHIOloid’s most annoying fan / fanartist and most unserious vocaloid user / @LNsalite @LNsaliteArt @LNsynthAlt @CatEarBox_Bot

フォロー数:101 フォロワー数:957

yohioloid’s black eyeshadow is very subtle but when you know that it’s there, you can kind of see it. it’s just slightly more gray compared to his eyelashes https://t.co/JtAamTyHKp

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big al but skinny and no stitches

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my sister constantly tells me to get a middle part do you think this is what she means

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yohioloid and ruby but again
all of these are cropped in disgusting manners but it's ok

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also i don't think i showed a wip for oliver yet either so here's oliver the ugly!!

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sweet ann said "flowers" and big al said "death is more my vibe yk"

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he has one brain cell and she has at least 3

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when i draw smols i don't really color their eyes but i wanted to get their eye color in there...

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yohioloid doesn't have a widow's peak he just has weird ass hair. i have no evidence for this.
as for ann and ruby i just don't think they don't and i also have no evidence for this

oliver's 2d model when you rip off his front hair shows that he doesn't

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still kinda cool tho

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