

i really like the PFX Vocaloids / YOHIOloid’s most annoying fan / fanartist and most unserious vocaloid user / @LNsalite @LNsaliteArt @LNsynthAlt @CatEarBox_Bot

フォロー数:101 フォロワー数:957

a long time ago i tried to recreate that lighting thing in blender and i'm pretty sure I did something very wrong but yk this is still funny

4 33



i meant to draw this a really long time ago 💀💀

5 48

when your son asks if he can practice makeup on you
(i got bored and edited makeup on sweet ann and big al's faces for no reason 😭)

8 40

powerfx vocaloids

2 35

do you think I could get this haircut https://t.co/6rnLd8AOrU

3 30

i picked up the crossy oliver 2d model and edited him to be bald and i don't know why this was my first instinct i'm so sorry

13 87