

27/dweeb/hobbyist/I sing and write sometimes too

Just a little noodle bug who doodles oodles--when she's not tired.

Paypal; @ladybugnoodles

フォロー数:500 フォロワー数:122

Here they are! Atticus James II (Libby's dad), Yeona Parker (Libby's mom) and Lovie Lynn Parker (Libby's step-mother)

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From sketch to full color, Liberty Anne Parker! Her information will be posted in several tweets below

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Again, ya'll know me, I can't pick which one I like better so I post both LOL but uh, will Callum let her do what exactly? ...I'm not gonna tell you pfffftt Callum belongs to !

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He is not willing to trade coffee for his last cigarette, Serenity knows this x'D She'll let him have it this time lol Callum belongs to !

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Just to update and have it on this thread too pffftt

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Old VS New Olly but still is Olly x'D I still love my little soft Vampire boii Oliver!

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Most likely a Mafia AU or a last minute stand in photoshoot for her cousin Shia--since the cigar isn't lit, she guess it's okay that he has it LOL Callum belongs to !

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Alssooooo, here's some Ezrenity sharing a boba tea! u vu Ezra belongs to !

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I thought I uploaded this the other day but have some Zelliot forehead kisses to warm your hearts u v u Elliot belongs to !

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In the end, she realized she practically squashed his feet and hurt him so now she's about to carry him to go get some ice cause she feels like a villan LOL

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