

Hello! Head empty traditional artist,,

フォロー数:666 フォロワー数:241

I have been having way too much fun with this gouache canvas painting! Actually sad it’s done :( but happy to look at it on the wall :)

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fantasy on top street fashion on bottom

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my bro's ffxiv character. twitter crop really chose her bobbies huh

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love good old progress shots

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is the best comedian rabbit idol. She has helped keep me smiling and laughing so thank you, Pekora!!! ha<ha^ha>ha>

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this whole piece is too big for the scanner, but the segment I did scan really looks so different to me than the phone pic I originally posted!!

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I am but a humble traditional artist working mostly in watercolor. Thank you <3

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I painted this about a year ago and it was so :3 to look at his smile the whole time

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