Ledel 🟢0p3n Kommissi0ns🟢さんのプロフィール画像

Ledel 🟢0p3n Kommissi0ns🟢さんのイラストまとめ

Op3n K0mmissi0ns :D ko-fi.com/ledel/commissi… // INFJ 🎄 sleep-deprived potato artist
he/they 🇨🇱

フォロー数:834 フォロワー数:5478

Any Nie Mingjue fans here?
I was wondering if you like him, because I love him very much. 🥺💚

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Long time no see. I'm working on finishing this postal set , at last is finished. 🌼🖤🤍
Daozhangs duo, feel free to use this as matching icons if you like it.

141 397

Happy Birthday LWJ Sorry! I'm late with everything!

Better late than never, again 🥺🥀 I'm Slowpoke
(Spamming cause I based in a scene from her fic, by the way, her LZ It's just so cute in there. 🥳 )

14 92

🦎👅mLem Xichen, from GusumLem👅🦎

I'm sorry for this nonsense 👅*Mlem*
Anyway, feel free to draw his consort or anything 🥺

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