Ledel 🟢0p3n Kommissi0ns🟢さんのプロフィール画像

Ledel 🟢0p3n Kommissi0ns🟢さんのイラストまとめ

Op3n K0mmissi0ns :D ko-fi.com/ledel/commissi… // INFJ 🎄 sleep-deprived potato artist
he/they 🇨🇱

フォロー数:834 フォロワー数:5478

Les suena familiar?
Siempre me enamoro los personajes que "no pudieron salvar a su amada/o ". Aunque sea un amor platónico.

Pero en fin, cumplen mis estándares:
-Tener un pre-canon bonito o drama.
-ser éticamente correcto/caótico bueno.

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I'm trying to post something every friday but I failed.
Anyway I want to say thank you to all of you for browse my humble art, for every heart, comment and follow.
Glad to always share the same interest and love for those characters who stole our 💙

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⚜️"How to deactivate your Dainsleif" ⚜️
I offer this food, I'm kinda nervous to show this, help, it's like my second time doing comics, so I adsnjdd💦
Hope you like it 🙇‍♂️💙
Reup mistake🥹

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I have four more vignettes and, maybe, tomorrow will be done.

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Sunny Ayato ☀️💧

Took me so long 🫧🥹 but I'm done 🫡

Hope you like it 🥺🥀

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Wild emergency commissions appears (for multiple
medical expenses)💙 👓🦾
The payment method is Paypal, DM me here or Instagram for any question! 📨

Thanks in advise for your support and love 💖☺️

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It was better in my head I guess you have to do the tanuki event with Kishiboushi for this yo make sense.

I'm doing baby steps again with mental health, at least I can draw something 💠

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