

Leonardo is a Generative AI content production suite.

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Solinari has educated us here on the Wolpertinger, which hails from Bavarian folklore.

Known for its mischievous nature and it is often depicted as a playful creature that likes to hide and trick humans. 🙀

All that aside, just imagine the Easter egg hunts with this bad boi. 🥚

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We love creative thinking and DeeDoesAI has encapsulated this with their glorious 'Pheasant of Lost Souls.' 🦤

Apparently the creature 'pecks at the souls of the lost in order to guide them to peace.'

Sounds beautiful...and painful 😬

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Ahh we love having a nice collection of skulls, really is the most wholesome of hobbies.

Dr_loNiDe clearly agrees with his "Bunnyraurus", who makes gainz and doesn't skip head collection day.

(No one tell him it's a pig 🤷🏻‍♂️).

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Speaking of majestic, this sky whale by Haruhi is lighting up the night sky of London 🌆

Definitely has better navigational skills than that poor other lad who got stuck in the Thames back in the day. 😢

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We wanted to brighten things up, so this other prompt by Dark Muppeteer we feel offsets their grim 1st entry.

This sultry boi has all of the colors and knows how to look majestic.

However, try and ride him and you might just get an unwanted horn where the sun don't shine 🦄

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We felt we might reach the end of the week without having a nightmare, but Turtłe had other ideas.

They prompted this sinister Wendigo, prevalent in mythology of many Native American tribes.

At least this version isn't a flying one, because, yanno – instant heart attack. 💔

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We are deep in the weeds of mythology now, and Wrecklessailor bust out this stern looking doggo.

As many know Anubis is regarded as the Jackal-headed Egyptian god, who acted a guide to the underworld. 🦮

We imagine he was also extremely effective at retrieving thrown balls 🎾

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Let's finish off with this deadly looking lady by Blansa, who belongs front cover for a new comic book series! 🦸🏻‍♀️

Which was your favourite? Show us your own creations below too! 👇🏽

And don't forget to join our friendly Discord for weekly challenges! 🔥


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You know when you feel like something has been missing from your life and you don't know what it is until it arrives? 🤔

Turns out it was this side view of a Samurai cat by PacoC219.

So simple, so wholesome, so sublime, so majestic.

Such good boi 😽

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Now it's our turn for a couple! 💪🏽

This first one we created using Leonardo Diffusion and the prompts: "Dragonman superhero, anthropomorphic, cape, friendly, powerful, strong."

He looks like he could eat his enemies for fun and still have time to do legs at the gym. 🏋🏻‍♂️

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