

🟢 YouTuber & Pokemon Archivist
🟣 25, Editor
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フォロー数:2723 フォロワー数:71240

ho-oh told me that he shares your sense of humor

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i've created a monster

2 48

glad to see art of Volkner looking badass as opposed to being bored out of his mind

god BLESS Saito’s art https://t.co/rREC8EqK7H

0 23

why did they turn rhydon into a fuckin MINER bro

It's also one of the Pokemon that looks vastly better in sprite form than 3D because it appears massive and threatening through good perspective

naturally the anime was pretty hit or miss with it too, hate how stubby it is man

0 21

gonna be fully rewatching yugioh gx in Japanese with friends so if you see me horny tweeting it's probably about pic related even if she was only in like 4 episodes

0 6

SEE you’d think it is but like

its heavily implied that she dressed her daughter to look like the jellyfish one bcus she cared about it more than her 😔😔😔😔

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still looks awful imo

the model just makes it 100x worse

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Aqua in ORAS was pretty good for the most part but I'll never forgive what they did to Magma holy shit

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