

Make Cartoons, Not Government. #libertarian political cartoonist w proclivity for #bourbon. #cartoons instagram.com/libertoonian/

フォロー数:3131 フォロワー数:17975

Unfortunately this always seems to happen

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, , , , , thank you for the feedback on b&w vs color. Here is how I decided to proceed... I think this is more stark with a hint of Impressionism. Whatcha think?

5 13

I agree. Just need to revert old panels like this one to b&w. Good thing that I did this in layers. I’ll leave the background alone and redraw the characters. I need to make them less cartoony anyway.

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Dear Twitter Friends,
I’m seeking feedback on the look of my graphic novel. Attached are two sets of panels-1 in b&w and the other in color.

Please let me know which style you think is better AND why?

4 14