

Make Cartoons, Not Government. #libertarian political cartoonist w proclivity for #bourbon. #cartoons instagram.com/libertoonian/

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Here is a before and after of the same drawing from initial inking to touched up with . Just need to add the background. here I come.

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Here are some beautiful panels from My thoughts are with the victims of this horrible attack. .

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progression of another panel from raw drawing to final...

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Today's progression of an panel from rough sketch to just the doctor to the background layers.

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You are assuming that Iran was actually following the nuclear treaty they signed, which is impossible to verify because Obama didn’t require any tangible inspections. was bogus.

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The only difference is that Clinton paid third parties to get their dirt on Trump from Russian spies.

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I wasn’t necessarily agreeing with the premise of the cartoon-at least not in this tweet. But I’ve got a pretty long track record of being hard on the Obama Administration.

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