

Founder of @LigmaLabsNFTs Artist/Co-founder: @LigmaDingle Checks, Opepen & NatCats (Don’t fade Ordinals) $PENG

フォロー数:3001 フォロワー数:3955

This is common, only means you’re doing it right 🤝

0 7

Conviction plays:
1) Azuki- Beanz reveal will melt faces
2) Doodles- 🪣 & the next phase for doodles will melt faces (don’t fade the doodles team, big mistake)
3) PA- $PSY around the corner, DE is going to tap into a completely new market & melt faces

Final thoughts: ✌️🚀

6 36

Absolute beauty, love to see the vision my dood 🤝

0 3

Only 17 doodles w/ space background listed out of 237 items. I believe space background is one of the most desirable traits in doodles ecosystem long term. I feel blessed to have this guy ✌️

What other traits will have significant added cultural value for ?

0 15

Welcome friend! We love the beanz 🤝

0 1

Love the inner fox spirit 🔥 let’s raise the bar together ⛩

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