

Illustrator / 2D/3D Artist / Game Artist @[email protected]

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Helloo and thanks for the Artshare! :) I love the light and mood and shapes in the fir paintings! =O
These are some of my paintings :) (For the first one I made a "making of" on my artstation blog to share my thoughts.)

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Finallyyyyy! I started this painting ~ 9 months ago as sketch. Now and then I continued to work on this, and finally I call it done! The closeups are all at 50% resolution.

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Another cropped version / "teaser" of the painting I have been working on during the last months. It shows ~ 1/3 of the painting. Still a few things to do :D

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The dragon I painted 2012 ... while listening to "the hobbit" audio book. I might have been a biiiiit inspired ;) I made adjustments in 2015. It's one of the paintings I am most proud of :)

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Uhh thanks! :) And hello everyone! I am a game-artist/illustrator and I like painting fantasy related things, with a focus on lighting/mood!
This is my shop:
You can also follow me on:

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Belated Happy Birthday and thank you for the artshare! :)
I'm a Game Artist also from Germany and most of my paintings are fantasy related.
(btw, I am not sure, have we met each other on a convention in 2019 or so? >.<)

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I wanted to make a new sketch/drawing of the ficticious skin I made in 2011, this time I tried to get closer to the actual style of the char. But I wanted to keep the drawing rough, so this is how it turned out :) Thanks to a nice colleague for some tips on the face!

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Helloo everyone! Thanks for the Artshare! :) And wohoo I love these tree shapes and the cold/warm contrast!

I am a 2d/3d game artist, and these are some artworks I painted in my spare time, more can be seen on

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Cropped version of a painting which is still work in progress :)

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Next step, done yesterday - still very work in progress, looking forward to the next step :D

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