

Geologist by day, Artist/Writer by night!

I do a lot of video game fanart, and love drawing art from JRPGs in general!

フォロー数:565 フォロワー数:341

What if there was a game on your phone that had a story better than most modern console RPGs, graphics that are vibrant and colorful, adorable character models, and a cast of villians that rivaled the best of the BAMCO Tales franchise? Oh wait there IS one, it's

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Whatever the case, it is very wholesome that Kamek continues to help out with Bowser Junior as a secondary caretaker. There are a lot of familial and camaraderie relationships in Bowser's kingdom, and I love them all.

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It is criminal that not a single character has shown legitimate attraction to Ranzal yet in Dragalia Lost.

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A few fun little parallels I noticed between Nintendo's two high-fantasy IPs...

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Aerith vs Aeris is such a heated debate for FFVII localization, but it's so trivial compared to what could have been. Imagine if SQENIX tried way harder to make the character names in FFVII more relatable to Westerners back in the 90s...

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Some of my favorite fanart I've done over the years!

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Hello , I am a geologist with a passion for art. I mostly draw high fantasy characters, and video game fanart!

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Amazing how I bought CrossCode to hold me over until Disgaea 6, but now Disgaea 6 is a game I'm only playing to hold me over until CrossCode's DLC finale launches on Switch.

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