

Pokemon streamer/artist/derp on Twitch, derp also in real life.

フォロー数:930 フォロワー数:840

and you cant have a free to use or edit leader without their free to use or edit general (or generals with however long you can make the line)

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We are (really late XX) but live with more Furret Solo run. Fear the Furret.

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Your Danganronpa 4K caught my eye and decided to give Yoru some fanart (as much as you can fanart a shadowy figure)

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I love the Kalos trio but Chespin is my favorite of the 3.

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Give the children about 2 more weeks to throw their tantrum then they'll move on to somewhere else.

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Just practicing some art.

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Id rather be able to do makeup streams then no stream at all so with that being said, more Symphonia over on the Blue side of the Red Kingdom.

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There is a small chance for snow here next week. Hopefully they mean snow and not ice or slush.

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