

Pokemon streamer/artist/derp on Twitch, derp also in real life.

フォロー数:930 フォロワー数:840

We are live early with more shiny Impidimp poking.

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If you see this post, you're obligated (or not) to reply with your top 3 fictional characters.

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Chibi Meta. Because nothing is scarier then fear itself but bit sized.

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Chanos. Feel free to use this however you want.

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Trying to draw a transparent always on fire AI in an anime style isnt easy. :3

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I don't think I have a set favorite quote, but here is a good one I like.

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A bit messier then the other one but the hands are better. Free to use or edit.

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Attempted a vibe check emote with Ball Guy but it fell flat. Free to use or edit by anyone

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(When you derp posting the derp emote)
Free to use or edit Derplinks.

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