Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのプロフィール画像

Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator | Fan of history & stories |Co-creator of Sul - SPFBO9 Semi-finalist! | Available for work

[email protected]
Sul stuff - sulbook.com

フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:1786

Almost missed I’m Jacqui, an illustrator in the UK. I work on board games and kids books. In my free time I like to write and doodle my OCs

Portfolio: https://t.co/n0PhQ3sDQ8

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Our Sickeningly sweet couple; Iolo and Marrel

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Thanks ! I illustrate board games, my portfolio is here: https://t.co/vBaCM8MF9U I recently did Cracked Earth and Tutankhamun

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Ooo! Here’s mine. Solomon, a vampire. Stickler for the rules, walking thesaurus, does not approve of shenaniganery. Also a former ‘wild child’ who ran away from home and gives his dad no end of grief https://t.co/WI1yegZ2Kj

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It's Here are some covers I've done over the last year that I haven't shared yet Cracked Earth , Wardlings , Fidget Factory & Storm the Gate https://t.co/BrG52P9F7W

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This morning's warm-up. Best redemption arc ever. Just want to give him and Iroh a hug

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And for No.2 of here's 's Jerry. Bookworm, frustratingly chill, absurdly nice ...and possibly the world's most powerful magician

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