Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのプロフィール画像

Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator | Fan of history & stories |Co-creator of Sul - SPFBO9 Semi-finalist! | Available for work

[email protected]
Sul stuff - sulbook.com

フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:1786

For today's I thought I'd focus on one of the main characters from my dour boy Solomon. He's a vampire, a healer and a walking encyclopedia

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It's again! This time I thought I'd share some of the biggest, baddest villains from Sul. Starting with the worst we have; Father, Marinus, the Major & the Count.

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Speaking of unfinished, here’s a bit of a sketch dump of characters from a part of my RP ⁦ One day I’ll have time for a finished painting in this world, but it is not this day

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Seeing andalites on my feed this morning, while being lovely, reminded me that I had this portrait in ⁦⁩ that I’m unlikely to finish. Enjoy, anifans :D

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While I was looking through pics for I came across these two I just have to share because they're sweeties. Iolo & Marrel

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Iolo had a particularly bad time of it during this bit of our RP. A king does not do well in the woods. Done during a couple of Sunday movies to try to get the creative juices flowing.

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For all you evening folks a few more pics from my I illustrate board games and love painting characters and animals
On Instagram and Twitter , email:logicfairy.com

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