Jacqui Davisさんのプロフィール画像

Jacqui Davisさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator | Fan of history & stories |Co-creator of Sul - SPFBO9 Semi-finalist! | Available for work

[email protected]
Sul stuff - sulbook.com

フォロー数:816 フォロワー数:1795

Laphael, a warrior. Warriors are typically bigger than their messenger counterparts and a lot less inclined to politicking. They fight on Father's behalf and hunt down demons when they appear. You know there's trouble about when a warrior appears.

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5. Vander, a pagan witchdoctor. Not everyone in the forest worships Father, some pray to nature, other even older gods. No one who has magic follows Father, for he orders the death of magic users. They bring imbalance and chaos, and this He cannot stand.

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4. Cydric returns from hunting. In Father's territory it's the priests who do the hunting and provide for the lay folk. Their motto is; priests help those who cannot help themselves.

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3. Solomon speaks with Aysel, a demon, again in the dead city. Demons are creatures of chaos, created when an act of true evil is committed. Most die young, when their destructive instincts get the better of them. Aysel is one of the few who have lived long enough to get a name.

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A noble girl, she wears mourning blue. Blue is a colour reserved for funerals, any shade will do but the lighter the colour the less respect the wearer has for the dead

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A winter outfit for a noble boy. The Sulaai have only revcently experienced snow and the bitter cold, but they won't let the need for layers stop them from looking their best.

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🧵Introducing the Sulaai:

A royal wedding carved in bas relief into the walls of Torro-Anwo. The Sulaai love colour and pattern in all things, so they have used paint and precious stones to make the carving beautiful.

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Something wicked this way comes

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If you’ll all bear with me, I want to thank some people for getting me this far.

Firstly, of course, Katy. The RP would not have gone on half so long, or been half so fun without our chats and posts. We’re nearly there! Who knew back at our first ‘done’ where it would end up.

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