Lorekeeper Azuraiさんのプロフィール画像

Lorekeeper Azuraiさんのイラストまとめ

I'm a person. Kind of.

フォロー数:1243 フォロワー数:227

Another costume that is very high on my wishlist would be a Majora's Mask costume for Young Link. Giving him the Razor Sword, Mirror Shield, golden Hookshot, and Tatl rather than Navi would be a glorious combo. This costume would actually probably make me pick up the character.

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It still blows my mind that we have never gotten costume DLC in Smash. I'd be perfectly willing to drop the money for extra costumes. Some ideas I've had are

-Hilda for Zelda
-James McCloud / Hard Mode Fox
-Class promotions for the FE characters
-Future Connected Shulk

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A sketch of my PSO2 character by Ryumigin. I don't normally post the commissions I have done because most of them are pretty lewd. This is relatively tame though so I'll leave it here.

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Finally we have Byleth. Byleth stays, but would be drastically reworked. Instead of being a solo fighter using a bunch of different weapons, I would have them function Pokemon Trainer style and alternate between commanding Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude as their professor.

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Chrom is another one that depends on whether the slot stays an Echo or becomes its own character. If Echo, then this slot goes to Roy as an Echo of Marth. If unique, then it goes to Alm and Celica as an Ice Climbers style duo character using swords and magic.

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Corrin is a character I would completely scrap in favor of Tiki. She is both incredibly important to the series as a whole and a more complete representation of shapeshifter classes than Corrin is. Her colors could reference colors schemes of other Manaketes throughout the series

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Then we have Lucina. Assuming that Echoes stay as Echoes she is fine as Marth Echo. If she was given a unique moveset though, I'd have her lean into the Bride class and use lances + bows alongside her Falchion to really set her apart from Marth.

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Next up is Robin. I'm pretty satisfied with how he represents both his character and mages overall. The only thing I'd change is instead of his Final Smash calling in Chrom, I'd have it implement Grima in some way. Maybe a dark version of Ignis or Grima's Expire coming into play.

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Next up would be Ike. I would keep him in the game, but make some tweaks to his fighting style. First, I'd give him access to sword beam on his smash attacks. The second is that I would give Aether a health vampirism effect. Between those two it would hopefully set him apart.

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I would have Minerva, but that would require swapping the Pegasus model which I don't see happening so I'd go with Caeda instead. The next four would be

-Clair (Valentia rep)
-Florina (Elibe rep)
-Tana (Magvel rep)
-Cordelia (Ylisse rep)

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