Lorekeeper Azurai 🏳️‍⚧️さんのプロフィール画像

Lorekeeper Azurai 🏳️‍⚧️さんのイラストまとめ

She / They | 29 | I'm a person. Kind of.

フォロー数:1198 フォロワー数:142

Anyone from the Tales of Symphonia cast would be really cool. If I had to narrow it down though, Sheena is my favorite.

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Morrigan would be my first pick for a Darkstalkers rep, but we'd likely see an edit to her costume for Smash similar to Bayo, Pyra, and Mythra. Or Lilith because she has less to cover up in the first place. Or they just sidestep the issue entirely and do Demitri or something.

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Out here trying to manifest my boy for C'mon, we could use another Namco rep and Lloyd Irving would be a perfect choice.

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Well Palutena is realistically the one I am most likely to actually share interests with, so works for me.

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I love how you draw Samus' face! And my favorite suit is probably the Gravity Suit. Especially the Samus Returns depiction.

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So we're ignoring the first game Luigi ever appeared in then? And the fact that Mario and Luigi are infinitely more recognizable to the general population than the Chief is, let alone Cortana? And how does having a spin-off directly based off the concept somehow disqualify it?

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If we are talking gaming as a whole then Mario + Luigi and Link + Zelda.

If we are talking just Halo, then Chief + Arbiter.

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Pretty much agree. I'd probably throw in the OoX Zelda just above the TP design. She has pretty much the same design as Ocarina, but also has a cool cape.

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The top slot is an easy pick for me. Gamecube. It has one of my favorite console libraries ever and I hope that Nintendo one day gives us a GCN virtual console on NSO. The other 3 are like choosing between children though.

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