

23 years old | Brazilian artist

フォロー数:495 フォロワー数:53

studies I did based on photos.

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Hi, I'm Yuri, I'm a freelance artist and I started doing digital painting almost a year ago.
These last arts of mine that I liked the most, I hope you like them too.❤️

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today I did the gray scale, tomorrow I start the colorization step.

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I didn't even know there was a well here's my art hahaha

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Fiz o DTIYS do
demorei dias pra fazer essa arte, não sou acostumado a pintar com as cores tão saturadas.

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Now comes the hardest part: RENDERING hahaha

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🇺🇸I lose focus very fast, this was supposed to be just a doodle and out of nowhere a frankenstein bodybuilder appeared lol
🇧🇷eu perco o foco muito rápido, isso era pra ser sóum rabisco e do nada surgiu um frankenstein bodybuilder kkkkkkk

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Still working on my character rendering process.
Ainda trabalhando no processo de renderização do meu personagem.

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